Gael has been making up stories since she learned to talk. Inspired by a storytelling grandmother, she weaves stories into cello lessons, recitals, and music classes. Her repertoire includes original stories, as well as folk and fairy tales. Haitian painter Andre Pierre said, "As we get closer to death, we understand more deeply the stories. The secrets of life are in the stories."
Listener comments:
"I just loved it when you came into our class to play cello and tell stories. It was enthralling and magical for me and the children. I'm glad that you are continuing."
Eileen Carey, Walden School teacher
"The children were spellbound, and that doesn't happen very often!"
Betsy Miller, children's program director, West Parish Church
"Charming! These stories are not just for children."
Sarah Satterlee
Dear Gael,
Thank you for coming to our class. I liked the story "The Magic Purse." The best part of the story I liked was when he saw three coins in the purse. The lady told him after he spends the three coins, the money will come back. I hope you come back.
Your friend,
Luis Rodriguez
"Thank you for your coming. The children and teachers were talking about you and the performance for the rest of the day. As they said, 'It was wonderful!'
Thank you again for the wonderful time. You are very good with children."
—Su-Wen Yang, Oakland Montessori Teacher